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BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business

Oct 27, 2020

"Divorce rates skyrocket in U.S. amid COVID-19," newspaper headlines announce. They cite the combination of stress, unemployment, financial strain, death of loved ones, illness, homeschooling children, mental illnesses, and more as putting a significant strain on relationships. Though the increase in divorce rates...

Oct 20, 2020

Several months ago, I did a survey asking about the biggest challenges working moms face. And the resounding answer was TIME. Specifically - that you wish you had more of it. Who hasn’t had that thought - if only there were more hours in the day, I’d feel so much better? If only I had more time to _____. We've all...

Oct 13, 2020

Much of our life experience, and what it feels like to be us, is a story we're making up as we go. There are factual circumstances in our lives, including other people and things they do and say, life and world events around us, and then there are the narratives we create - everything we make those circumstances mean....

Oct 6, 2020

Is confidence something you struggle with? Maybe as a mom, maybe as someone called to meaningful work beyond motherhood - maybe both? Many women I work with share with me that they lack confidence - they recognize it's a problem, and they understand in theory how their life could be different if they had...