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BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business

Oct 26, 2021

Are you looking for purpose in your life, trying to do what makes you happy, or maybe trying to figure out this work-life balance thing everyone seems to talk about as a working mom? They seem to be good ideals to reach for in life. Who doesn't want purpose, happiness and a sense of balance, right? On the surface, each...

Oct 19, 2021

There are a lot of things vying for our time and attention at any given moment. It can be hard to say no. But just because we can say yes to something, doesn't mean we should. Giving yourself permission to say no is sometimes the most freeing, most life-giving thing you can do for you and your family. Saying no...

Oct 12, 2021

As a mom called to meaningful work beyond motherhood, it can feel like your attention is being pulled in ten different directions at any given moment. It might seem like your life is dictated by the needs, expectations and distractions from the outside world. Even if it feels contrary to the reality most of us find...

Oct 5, 2021

As we enter the last quarter of the year, I want to check in with you. How are you doing? How are you feeling about your year so far? What comes up when you think about the rest of the year ahead? Whether you're riding on the momentum you've created earlier this year, and excited to see how it all plays out in Q4, or...