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BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business

Jun 7, 2022

We tend to associate grief with the death of a loved one - the experience and sorrow of that painful goodbye. There is grief connected to this kind of loss, and yet grief shows up in other ways in our lives when our present reality looks different than we expected. We may feel stuck or lost or disconnected, not realizing that these feelings are connected to grief and the kind of loss we experience when our lives unfold differently than we had hoped. So many of us are grieving a loss we're not really aware of. 
In this episode, you'll learn:
• The different kinds of losses you might be grieving
• My experience with anticipatory grief and Alzheimer's
• Grief sometimes felt in motherhood and business
• Why some of our most profound growth comes in seasons of grief
• The next steps to processing a loss so that you can keep moving forward
Other episodes referenced:
Beyond Happy Ep. 69: Feeling Bad to Feel Better 

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