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BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business

Feb 13, 2024

Is chasing growth KILLING your business as a creative or coach? If you’re like wait… what? – “Growing, isn’t that what I’m supposed to be doing over here?” I get it. In the world of online business, we’re told that growth = success. But did you know that rapid growth is the number one reason small businesses fail? It may seem counterintuitive, because it goes against so much of the messaging we hear as entrepreneurs. 

“If you aren’t growing, you’re dying.” (Wrong.)

“Every year your numbers should go up.” (Not always, not for everyone.)

“A successful business focuses on more sales and revenue.” (Not if your goal is profit.)

Today I’m going to detail 5 reasons growth might be killing your creative or coaching business so that you can decide if it’s something that needs your attention as someone who wants to build a sustainable (and profitable) creative or coaching business.

On this episode of BEYOND, you’ll learn: 

  • Why it’s so common to go from being someone who creates a business to work LESS to being an entrepreneur who works 24/7

  • 5 indicators that you’re working too much (as in, more than is necessary)

  • The importance of determining your ROE (return on effort)

  • The role of overthinking in productivity, burnout and the sustainability of a business

  • 5 symptoms of overthinking (and why it’s making business so much harder for you)

  • The surprising connection between growth, spending and lack of profit

  • How to join my FREE Masterclass: Less Growth, More Peace: How to Simplify The Complicated Business That’s Burning You Out

Join me in my brand new FREE Masterclass: 

Less Growth, More Peace: How to Simplify The Complicated Business That’s Burning You Out. 

By the end of this masterclass, you’ll know:

  • The real reason your creative or coaching business feels so complicated

  • One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when setting financial goals, and what you can do differently to avoid it

  • 7 non-negotiables to focus on when you want to simplify your 6-figure business for peace and profit

Sign up now at and join me live or watch the replay and see more peace and profit as a creative or coach this year.