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BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business

Mar 5, 2024

Do you ever lie in bed at night thinking about a decision you need to make… playing out everything that could possibly go wrong in each scenario, walking through each one, in painstaking detail, terrified of making the wrong choice – only to look over and realize it’s now 3 a.m.? 
Or how about mornings… do you ever sit down at the beginning of your work day, glance at the to-do list or your schedule and instantly feel so overwhelmed, not only do you not know where to begin, but even the idea of figuring it out feels so daunting that instead of making a decision or making a plan, you do neither and instead mindlessly scroll on instagram for an hour?

These are examples of overthinking… thinking about something to the extent that is simply not useful or productive in any way. Overthinking is a trap that steals our time, our focus, our mental and emotional health and productivity, and here’s the thing. It PRETENDS to be necessary. 
Your brain wants you to believe that overthinking is somehow wise or responsible – it is not. In fact, what’s really happening when you’re overthinking is that the part of your brain designed to keep you safe and comfortable, is TRYING to keep you comfortable by having you avoid DOING something  – whether that’s making a decision or taking other meaningful action of some sort, okay? Again, overthinking pretends to be useful, but it complicates your business because it’s keeping you from using your time, energy and attention in the most valuable, most profitable ways.

On this episode of BEYOND, you'll learn:
• Why overthinking pretends to be necessary
• What's really happening when you find yourself stuck in a cycle of overthinking
• How overthinking complicates our businesses and how this one piece of mindset work can lead to a simpler business
• The most effective thing you can do at the start of each morning to avoid analysis paralysis and confusion
• What to do when you're feeling like an inadequate imposter
• How overthinking relates to not feeling present in our lives

Cleaning up the mind drama and overthinking that's holding you back is one way I help creatives and coaches SIMPLIFY their businesses for more peace and more profit.

If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and you’re ready for mindset and business support that will help you simplify and create the kind of life and business you’re excited to wake up to, the kind that serves not only your clients but you and your family well, I want to invite you to apply for SIMPLIFIED. This 6-month intensive is for moms building businesses as creatives and coaches, and I'm showing you how to leverage the two most valuable assets you have: your mindset and your messaging, for peace and profit.

Working with me privately is kind of like having a business therapist, marketing strategist and personal trainer for your brain all-in-one. Your next step is to apply for SIMPLIFIED at