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BEYOND: The Podcast for Moms Called to Business

Jul 25, 2023

It’s no secret that motherhood and business are hard work; and when paired together, they bring a unique set of challenges to the table. Over the years as a mom and business owner, I've learned a lot. I'm sharing some of these lessons on this episode of BEYOND.


The lessons I'm sharing on this episode:

• If you...

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🎶 It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me. 🎶 
Never have Taylor Swift lyrics felt more relevant in my work – because when it comes to the problems you face in your life, you're actually creating more of them than you realize.
Why? Our brains are wired to look for problems it views as a threat to our safety, comfort...

Jul 11, 2023

Motherhood and business are hard work. Good work, but hard. Beyond work, our roles as moms and entrepreneurs is a ministry: a way to steward the lives God puts in our path, whether it's our children and family or the clients we're called to serve.
But as with all hard things, sometimes we need encouragement. We...

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You sit down at your desk to work and start to dive into a project only to stop. You've just remembered the phone call you forgot to make, the appointment you need to schedule and the socks you forgot to order on Amazon. One by one, your brain reminds you of these items and you don't want to forget them - AGAIN - so you...