Sep 14, 2021
Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions in
your days? Stuck on the hamster wheel, doing what needs to be done
to get through the day, but at the same time, kind of feeling like
something is missing? Maybe even feeling like you’re missing out on
your own life? In this episode, we're talking about the feeling of
just going through the motions in your life. You feel like you wake
up, do all the things, check them off the list, go to bed, wake up
and do it all over again. Day after day after day. After day.
Does it feel like you’re living on autopilot?
Do you ever wonder what happened to your life? Or question if this
is just the way your life is going to be?
Feeling this way about your days is what I call going through the
Going through the motions looks like days where you’re just
reacting to what life throws at you - a life where external
circumstances have the control, dictating your days instead of you
owning your moments with purpose and intention.
And it’s what we are diving into on this episode of Beyond
You'll learn:
• What the symptoms of going through the motions can look like
• How going through the motions can impact your life in a negative
• How we get to here - what causes us to feel this way
• Four things you can do to get back in the driver’s seat and get
your life back
I can't wait for you to listen.
On this episode, we also talk about:
Break Up With BUSY - the free, 5-Day Challenge For Working
Moms. Join
Are you ready to take what you’re learning on the podcast to the
next level? Take the next step toward getting your life back and
feeling better for good by scheduling your free Before + After call
with me. You’ll tell me where you’re at right now, what’s working
well and what isn’t, and I’ll offer clarity on what’s keeping you
Together, we’ll figure out your next right step – maybe that’s
working with me, and maybe it isn’t. But either way, I’ll help you
make the best decision for you. Are you ready? Schedule your free
Before + After call at